
Social Media Analytics

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Social Media Analytics

In the current world, the usage of social media platforms is quite huge and people use social media platforms to express their views, opinions etc. In the last 10 years, the number of social network users has been increased approximately by three times (0.97 billion in 2010 to 2.82 in 2019). Hence, extracting information from such platforms and then analysing is the need of the hour. Sentiment analysis is the building of a system that try to identify and extract opinions within the text available on these platforms and also to extract the attributes of the expression like polarity, subject, opinion holder etc. The challenge during this process is to select the relevant information and effectively analyse in order to draw meaningful business insights.

NIIT-Tech has built a process to extract the social media information, process it and create a series of connected visualizations which are helpful in understanding the sentiments of the people towards the bank and identifying key business areas which needs to be worked upon. Through our proposed solution, we intend to bring the social media insights which can be utilized by the bank to strengthen the social media presence and boost the business.

Data Details

In the proposed solution, we have analysed real time twitter stream data to build a process and visual insights that can help the banks to understand the social media activities and take necessary action to strengthen the business. The various factors being utilized for the process were tweet text, tweet date, user name, user image, original tweet details, user location, tweet sentiment, tweet polarity score etc. Below details provide an overview of the parameters.

Business Insights

The proposed solution helps in analysing the social media presence and the competitor’s growth which can help in building the more powerful brand.

Social Footprint
The mood of the people plays a vital role in knowing the brand influence. This helps in letting us know the sentiment i.e. positive, negative, and neutral towards the brand. We can see the growth of these sentiments over the time. We can analyse the tweets and sentiments by their geographical locations. This tells us the overall brand presence and influence.

Most Talked About
The identification of key areas tells about the brand perception. We can analyse other emotions like trust, anger, joy etc. The major topic of discussions can be identified and easily handled. The positive, Negative and Neutral words can easily depict the vital points which needs to be taken care of in terms of brand dominance.

Competitor Insights
The information about the competitors tells about the brand positioning in the market bring a sense of improvement. Through this we can analyse the overall sentiment of the brand with respect to other brands and their sentiment growth over the time. We can also analyse the Net Promoter Score which helps to identify promoters and detractors ratio.

Individual Insights
Individual insights helps in depth analysis of any specific issue. We can analyse the most important profiles, their sentiments and locations. We can analyse the sentiments by some event in order to manage campaign management. We can analyse the most impactful profile and see what kind of impact it can make on other social media users.