
Property Object Assessment
Property Assessment
Property Assessment

An AI enabled solution to detect property damage using images taken by inspectors (or drones) to improve speed and accuracy of client’s property inspection processes and decisions.

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Monthly Premium Forecaster
Premium Forecaster
Premium Forecaster

Solution to empower business to forecast monthly premium and Quote/policy prediction based on time series and other factors (e.g. property type, client business).

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Product Pricing
Price Prediction

Leveraging Data Science for pricing Group Life policies for maximizing revenue

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Fraud Analytics
Fraud Analytics
Fraud Analytics

Identify Fraudulent Claims using Data Science techniques

Coming Soon

Agency Performance
Agency Performance
Agency Performance

Scoring agent performance based on claims severity and loss value prediction.

Coming Soon
Upsell/Cross Sell
Upsell / Cross Sell
Upsell / Cross Sell

Identifies the area of upselling and cross-selling, additions to the insurance portfolio based on customer purchase probabilities

Coming Soon
Churn prediction/Prevention
Churn Prediction
Churn prediction/Prevention

Utilizing the knowledge of consumer behaviour to determine which customers are likely to cancel contracts in the near future

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Customer Segmentation
Customer Segmentation
Customer Segmentation

Identifying segments for customer acquisition, leveraging social media data for insurance carriers and brokers

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Claims Prediction
Claims Prediction
Claims Prediction

Forecasting claims cost for insurance carrier

Coming Soon